Special Effects Makeup ProjectT

Things that I bought for my project:


  • Liquid latex – Liquid latex is a clear or soft white liquid that you apply to the skin to give an effect of a burn, scar, zombie etc..
  • Scar wax – Scar wax is just like a wax that is tan colour and spreadable. When it is blended into your skin it looks barely noticeable.
  • Rigid Collodion – Rigid Collodion is a strong smelling clear liquid that you apply to dry skin and after layers of the product your skin will start to tighten giving the effect of an aged scar.
  • Ben Nye Colour Pallet – The color pallet consist of 4 colours, dark blue, dark red, dark purple, and green. The pallet is used for doing mostly bruises but you can accentuate scars and cuts as well.
  • Blood Gel – Blood gel is exactly what it sounds like, the gel is very think and there for had to apply sometimes. It is a very dark red giving the effect of fresh blood.


It takes patience and practice. I’m still not as good as i would like to be but i have improved!


Things I have done.


moms arm






my arm